Tag Archives: Leucorrhoea Symptoms

How to Cure Leucorrhoea Naturally

Causes of Leucorrhoea

LeucorrhoeaA female can suffer from leucorrhoea due to myriad of reasons. Sexually transmitted diseases may lead to this condition. Sometimes the use of lubricants containing chemicals triggers a reaction and in turn results in this medical condition eventually. Infections play a major role in triggering this disease. As the vaginal area is always moist, it becomes easily prone to infections.

Natural treatment for leucorrhoea

There are a lot of effective ways to treat leucorrhoea. Along with the available natural remedies, there are numerous Ayurvedic remedies at disposal. Some of the most effective ayurvedic remedies have been jotted down below -:

  1. Boil the fenugreek seeds in the water for around half an hour. Let the water reach back to the normal temperature. Use this mixture to clean your vagina.
  2. Soak around 10 to 12 grams of powdered coriander in approx. 100 ml of water overnight. Drink this water as the first thing in the morning. This will easily alleviate the condition and the symptoms.
  3. Amla powder mixed with honey is also an effective way out to cure leucorrhoea.
  4. Consumption of fresh fruits is quintessential during this condition. For an effective cure, mango paste should be applied in the vaginal opening. Time and again, this has proved to cure leucorrhoea.

Also, along with these natural ayurvedic remedies the individual should refrain from all kinds of oily food. Spicy dishes are to be avoided as they can also aggravate this condition and increase the discomfort.

Planet Ayurveda Herbal Products for the Treatment of Leucorrhea

Treatment of Leucorrhea
We at Planet Ayurveda strive to bring to you the best of formulations that bring in them the best herbs of nature in one combination. The Leucorrhea pack by Planet Ayurveda helps bring relief to Leucorrhea patients in a herbal and natural way.

Leucorrhoea Care Pack

Leucorrhoea Treatment In AyurvedaHerbs For Leucorrhoea

The Leucorrhea Care Pack consists of:

1. PRADRANTAK CHURNAA pure planet Ayurveda formula that is in a powdered form. It brings in it the natural herbs of nature which are very effective in curing leucorrhea.

  • Terminalia arjuna (Arjuna): The herb on a whole is useful as a cardio protective and cardio tonic in angina and poor coronary circulation. It is useful as a diuretic in cirrhosis of liver. It helps to cause relief in hypertension.
  • Symplocusracemosa (Lodhra):Lodh Tree bark traditionally used as a uterine tonic. It helps to control bleeding and digestive disorders. It helps in marinating optimum health in women.
  • Saraca indica (Ashok): It helps to relieve menstrual pains in women; it allows women to be feminine. It also helps to reduce PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome).
  • Ficusglomerata (Udumbur): The tender leaf buds of Udumbur are applied on the skin, in the form of paste, to improve the complexion; the leaves can be used in washing the wounds for better cleansing and healing.

2. FEMALE HEALTH CAPSULESThe female health capsules are an answer to all the problems of the female body system. These capsules are formulated using Shatavari, Ashoka, and Lodhra. These herbs have been individually used since ages to improve the female health and libido. The herbs have the potential to improve the health of females and when combined to formulate female health capsules they can work wonders together.

(A) SHATAVARI (Asparagus racemosus)

  • It enhances the libido in females, promoting the release of sex related hormones and thereby increasing the female’s interest in her partner and thereby improving their sexual life.
  • The action of Shatavari herb is natural and it increases the sexual activity in a natural way.
  • It has no side effects or habit forming effects as it enhances the libido in a natural, herbal way.
  • Along with these it has wonderful effects on menopausal women. It helps reduce hot flushes and mood swings.
  • Its actions on the gastrointestinal tract help reduce heartburn, general debility, IBS and diarrhea.

(B)ASHOKA (Saraca indica):

  • Its bark is very beneficial to treat menstrual disturbances.
  • It can regulate the female menstrual cycle.
  • Treats menstrual pain
  • Pre-menstrual tension can be cured using Ashoka
  • Works very well on female hormonal system.

(C)LODHRA (Symplocusracemosa)

  • It has a big tree bark that acts as an astringent.
  • It is commonly used in leucorrhea that is the excessive discharge from the vagina.
  • Lodhra works well in case of excessive menstruation, painful menstruation and delayed menstruation.
  • Therefore, a combination of all these three herbs can alleviate almost any female problem when used for a long, regular period.

3. PITTA BALANCE CAPSULESPitta Balance Capsules help to balance the Pittadosha in the body. This wonderful herbal formulation is a combination of several unique combinations of ingredients which are cooling and natural calcium compounds. These capsules bring mental clarity, which help in maintaining frustration, anger, negative emotions and aggression.

  • Coral or Parval Pishti: It is an Ayurvedic compound known as Coral in English. Corals are found at sea bed and Praval Pishti is also known as “Red Coral”. This is rich in natural calcium and aids in digestion. It also enhances immunity and helps in balancing Vata and Pitta energies. It is cooling, soothing, strengthening, and nutritive in nature and helps to balance the Pitta dosha.
  • Agate or Akik Pishti: Agate is a gem stone found from the seas. This is used globally for treating various ailments. It is used as a cardiac tonic. Akik is used in Ayurvedic medicines for balancing Vata and Pitta elements. It is also useful in treating diseases related to Pitta element.
  • Kamdhudha Ras: This helps to maintain a healthy digestive system. It treats hyperacidity and acidity. Burning sensation which is caused by imbalance in Pitta element can be cured by using this herb.
  • Pearl or Mukta Pishti: This medicine is prepared from pearls. It is a natural cardiac tonic while helps to relieve gastritis and excessive burning sensation. It is wonderful for blood pressure and balancing Pitta dosha.
  • Giloy or Guduchi: This herb helps to improve the health conditions of persons suffering from heartburn. It aids in building a strong immune system. It is wonderful herb to balance all 3 energy doshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

4. GANDHAK RASAYAN TABLETSThe purified form of sulphur is used to prepare gandhakrasayan tablets. The antibiotic properties of sulphur make it a good option for skin disorders.

Sulphur purified

Sulphur draws moisture from the environment into the skin. Applying sulphur products help to keep the skin hydrated. It helps to generate fresher and younger looking skin. It can also be used as an excellent topical exfoliate. It removes the dead surface of the skin and reveals the healthy and glowing looking skin from underneath.
It is an excellent rejuvenator. It is effective in treating liver disorders and various skin diseases. It is a digestive and carminative. It is an excellent remedy to flush out toxins from the body. It acts like a catalyst; it is also very helpful in curing intestinal worms and enlargement of spleen.

For More Information About “How to Cure Leucorrhoea Naturally”, Please watch Below given Video:-

Leucorrhoea ( White discharge )- Treatment in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, Leucorrhoea is mentioned as shwet pradara which is believed to be caused by vitiation of kapha dosha. Ayurvedic line of treatment is best treatment for leucorrhoea which has no side effects. Ayurvdic medicines with some home remedies gives best result to get rid of symptoms of leucorrhoea.

We at Planet Ayurveda have very good herbal remedies to cure this condition called Leucorrhoea or white discharge. Which include Pradrantak churna, Female Health Support, Pitta balance and Gandhak rasayan. So we can say that we have a complete Leucorrhoea Care Pack to subsides the symptoms.

It is a medical term which denotes white or yellow discharge from vagina. Leucorrhoea is not a disease but symptom of certain diseases like anemia, diabetes and STD. It may occur due to some bacterial infections also.

There are two types of leucorrhoea, Physical and Inflammatory. Physical leucorrhoea is a condition where there is whitish watery discharge from vagina without any other symptoms. Inflammatory leucorrhoea is a condition where there is yellowish white discharge from vagina with or without pus. It presents with redness of vaginal tissues and pain, burning sensation. Visit to health care specialist is must in this case.

leucorrhea white discharge

Leucorrhoea may occur due to several reasons like improper hygiene, Indigestion, Constipation, Local injury or wound. Main cause for it is estrogen hormonal disturbances.

Leucorrhoea presents with symptoms like thick whitish yellow discharge from vagina, Weakness, Pain in low backache, Headache, Constipation etc.

Leucorrhea Treatment in Ayurveda

Leucorrhoea is best treated with Ayurvedic line of treatment. Ayurvedic medicines like Ashok, Lodhra, Arjun, Shatavari, Gandhak are really considered to be very beneficial here.

Leucorrhoea Care Pack

Leucorrhoea Treatment In AyurvedaHerbs For Leucorrhoea

Our herbal remedies which are consists of above said ayurvedic medicines to make Leucorrhoea Care Pack are explained in detain below –

Pradrantak Churna – Is a herbal formulation to get rid of excessive yellowish white discharge. This powder balances aggrevated kapha doshas associated with vata and pitta, Stimulates digestive fire, Balances physiological functions of the body by excreting toxins Out.

Dosage : 1-2 teaspoon twice a day, With water or iced tea or juice, After meals.

Female Health Support – Is a blend of herbs which regulate and balances the female health. Its good to use daily to improve reproductive system. Ingredients are Ashok, Shatavari and Lodra.

Dosage : 1 capsule twice daily with water.

Pitta Balance – Is a blend of herbs which contain all soothing medicines in it like Praval pisti, Akik pisti, Jawar mohra pisti, Kamdhudha ras, Mukta pisti and Giloy satav. Intake of Pitta balance, Pacifies the pitta dosha very fast and helps in conditions like burning sensation.

Dosage – 1 capsule once or twice a day.

Gandhak Rasayan– Is a herbal supplement for rejuvenation, Which improves immune system. Its really a very good remedy for all skin problems and also helps in purification of blood.

Dosage – 2 tablets twice or thrice a day.

Guidelines –

  • Maintain good health and follow healthy, hygienic regimen.
  • Keep your vaginal area clean by cleaning it 2 to 3 times daily with water. Pat dry later with your own towels.
  • Boil 3 teaspoon of methi in 1 litre of water for 20 minutes to half an hour, drain and use it for vaginal wash.
  • Regular douching with decoction prepared with tender guava leaves, bark of banyan tree is considered to be very beneficial.
  • Soak I teaspoon full of coriander seeds in a cup of water overnight. Drink next morning with chewing of seeds too.
  • Prepare tandulodaka ( rice water) by boiling 3 tablespoon of rice in 3 cups of water. Drink it after straining.
  • Maintain proper diet. Have plenty of water, fruit juices, Vegetables. Avoid food which is spicy, hot, oily, heavy.
  • Take proper rest. Do not stress yourself.
  • Maintain blood sugar level.